ANZA Pop-Up Sale boosts donations to Love North Korean Children
A relaxed morning was spent munching on delicious homemade goodies, browsing donated art pieces curated by Cathy McQuade of ARTHOUSE, designer clothing by Dickinson’s Room, cushions by Blooming J and jewelry by Australian designer, Mimi & Me whilst catching up with friends prior to the summer holiday exodus from Seoul. Special thanks to Moonhee Han, designer and owner of the Dickinson’s Room who donated so many stunning designer pieces from her collection. Please visit our donor websites for more information on their fantastic products.
The result from the Pop-Up Charity Sale was nothing short of brilliant – KRW 4,109,920 was raised over the course of the morning. Combined with the money raised at the 2015 ANZA Ball for LNKC, ANZA has been able to contribute over KRW 39,100,000 towards this very worthy charity.
Thank you once again to our partners for this event and especially to all those who came to support the sale and those who made it all possible. Your contributions are most appreciated!