The Morning Star Centre provides support to single mothers and young women who have given their babies up for adoption.
The centre provides a home for these women and their children, for up to two years, while they establish themselves and either raise their baby or adjust to their new life.
Many of the girls come from poor backgrounds and are no longer accepted by their families and as such rely on the help of places such as Morning Star.
Sister Lena who runs the centre does so without any government funding.
In August 2014, ANZA announced it would donate KRW 2.5 million to support her ongoing work and assist in keeping the centre running. Following an emergency with burst pipes in the upper floors of the building ANZA donated a further KRW 2.5 million towards the repairs.
ANZA Korea provided KRW2 million in December following an inital donation of KRW 5 million in March 2014.Corporate and Social Responsibility – Herbert Smith Freehills
In 2014, through ANZA Korea’s corporate and social responsibility program we connected Herbert Smith Freehill’s with Anna’s House who donated KRW 3 million to provide air-conditioning for the centre.
Single Mothers
118 Hadaewon-dong, Jungian-gu
Seongnam-si, Gyeonggi-do